Constructions-3D has completed two concrete 3D printing projects using the MaxiPrinter, a machine specially developed to produce the structures of a building in concrete 3D printing. "Le Pavillon" was completed in 2019, then "l'Accueil" in 2021 and "La Tour", the construction of which began in 2022.
Le Pavillon - 2019
L'Accueil - 2021
Un espace d'environ 50 m² pour accueillir les visiteurs de la Citadelle des Savoir-Faire dans la ville de Bruay-sur-l'Escaut. Ce bâtiment possède 3 pans de mur imprimés en béton avec chacun
La Tour - 2022
Le chantier de La Tour a débuté en été 2022.
These projects were made with the MaxiPrinter 3D concrete printer and its pumping accessories.